前言 CHAPTER 1FUNDAMENTALS OF MATERIALS1 11Metals and Nonmetals1 12Ferrous Metals, Nonferrous Metals and Alloys3 13Polymers5 14Mechanical Properties of Materials8 CHAPTER 2HEAT TREATMENT OF METALS12 21Principle of Heat Treatment of Metals12 22Heat Treatment Processes15 23Heat Treatment of Die Materials17 24Surface Treatment of Die Materials19 25HeatTreating Furnaces and Equipment21 CHAPTER 3FUNDAMENTALS OF METAL PLASTIC FORMING25 31Introduction of Metal Forming Processes25 32Cold, Warm and Hot Working27 33Elastic Deformation and Plastic Deformation30 34StressStrain Curve31 35Tresca and Von Mises Yield Criteria34 CHAPTER 4FORGING AND ROLLING PROCESSES AND DIES37 41Introduction of Forging Processes37 42Economics of Forging39 43OpenDie Forging Operations41 44ImpressionDie and ClosedDie Forging Operations44 45Other Forging Operations47 46Rolling Processes51 47Forging Defects55 48Forging Die Design57 CHAPTER 5EXTRUSION AND DRAWING PROCESSES AND DIES62 51Introduction of Extrusion Processes62 52Hot Extrusion70 53Cold Extrusion70 54Extrusion Defects70 55Drawing Process and Die Design72 CHAPTER 6SHEETMETAL FORMING PROCESSES AND DIES79 61Introduction of SheetMetal Forming79 62Characteristics and Formability of Sheet Metals80 63Shearing Process82 64Blanking and Punching83 65Bending86 66Deep Drawing91 67Other Sheetmetal Forming Processes97 68Specialized Sheetmetal Forming Processes101 CONTENTS 〖〗〖〗塑性成形与模具专业英语 CHAPTER 7PLASTICS FORMING PROCESSES AND MOLDS105 71Injection Molding105 72Extrusion and Sheet Forming of Plastics108 73Compression Molding111 74Plastic Component and Mould Design115 CHAPTER 8METALCASTING PROCESSES AND MOLDS119 81Introduction of Casting Processes119 82Sand Casting121 83Evaporative Pattern Casting125 84Investment Casting127 85SemiSolid Metal Casting129 86Other Casting Methods132 CHAPTER 9MATERIALS AND FAILURE OF DIES136 91Selection of Die Materials136 92Principal Forms of Die Failure138 93General Conceptions and Criteria of Die Failure142 94Factors Influencing the Life and Failure of Dies144 95Procedures of Failure Analysis145 CHAPTER 10METALS AND PLASTICS FORMING MACHINES147 101Crank Presses147 102Screw Presses150 103Hydraulic Presses152 104Hammers155 105Injection Molding Machine157 CHAPTER 11DIE MANUFACTURING METHODS160 111Fabrication Procedures of Impression Dies160 112Conventional Machining of Die Components162 113Copy Milling and NC(Numerical Control)Machining of Die Cavities167 114ElectricalDischarge Machining(EDM)169 115Electrochemical Machining(ECM)173 116Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing(RPM)175 117Rapid Tooling(RT)Technology183 CHAPTER 12CAD/CAM/CAE OF DIES188 121CAD188 122CAM190 123CAE193 124Introduction of CAD/CAM/CAE Software196 CHAPTER 13CHARACTERISTICS, WRITING AND TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES OF SCIENTIFIC ENGLISH200 131专业英语的语法特点200 132专业英语的翻译203 133论文标题的汉译英208 134论文摘要的撰写与翻译210 参考文献213 普通高等教育“十二五”规划教材 编审委员会 主 任 委 员李荣德沈阳工业大学 副主任委员 (按姓氏笔画排序) 方洪渊哈尔滨工业大学王智平兰州理工大学 朱世根东华大学 许并社太原理工大学 邢建东西安交通大学 李大勇哈尔滨理工大学 李永堂太原科技大学 周荣昆明理工大学 聂绍珉燕山大学 葛继平大连交通大学